Dad reading to his children

Why Dads Should Read with their Children

LeWayne Young


I started reading to my son at a very early age and I can see the impact that it has had on him. At age 4 and soon to be five, he is reading well above his level. Even to the point that he is reading to me, and corrects me when I sometimes make a mistake and miss a word or two.

So why is reading to your child important? And why is it important for dads to read to their children?

I think it simply relates to the dad’s voice and his ability to communicate in a more authoritative, but loving way that only a father can do.

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Women by nature are more nurturing, and they have a unique ability to care for their children that men are not hard-wired to do. But on the other hand, men have a unique ability to comfort and provide stability to their children that women don’t naturally do. The relationship that men have with their children is different and unique, and both boys and girls respond differently to their father’s communication than their mother’s. I see this take place every day in my house and it’s just the way that men and women are wired differently.

It doesn’t mean that the child will be smarter because of this dynamic or go on to be a better person, maybe! But it is the emotional comfort of knowing that dad is present and active in the lives of their children which is so important.

So if you have the opportunity to read to your children or even take the time to read to other children in their classroom at school, I would highly recommend doing so. I believe that it will make an impact on the lives of children. I would go so far as to make a challenge that father’s around the world read to their children for five days straight.

What if a dad, uncle, grandfather, godfather, or some other mentor just sat down for 15 minutes a day for five days and read to a child? Would we see a difference in the world? I submit this challenge to at least all the fathers that have children under 6 years old to read to their own children for five days.

I am a father, and dad of four children. One girl and three boys. We (my wife and I) are a blended family. It’s a beautiful thing to see how differences between each of our children, and we appreciate the beautiful characteristics of each one of them.

The end result is still the same, reading to your children is important, but a dad that takes the time to read to his children can make a profound difference in their children's lives for many different reasons.



LeWayne Young

Certified Professional Leadership Coach, Artist, Writer, Trainer, Creative Designer, Instructional designer, content marketer, and marriage coach.