What Makes Your Business Memorable

LeWayne Young
4 min readAug 24, 2022

Do you have an elevator pitch for your business?

Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to tell someone what you do?

Do you have a hard time describing to someone what that is that you do?

Maybe you are trying to build a network or sell that product or service to them, but you don’t know how to tell them exactly what that is that you will provide for them.

I must admit that telling someone what you do is probably one of the most difficult things that you can do. Trust me people stumble over this every day.

But what if I could show you a way to do your elevator pitch with ease?

I have a proven strategy for telling and selling your story to them without taking up so much time and wasting their time.

The answer to that question could be an overwhelming yes.

You probably would do anything to get that story right. Yes, and I said story because that is exactly what it is, a story.

Most of the elevator pitches that we normally give are full of information about our products and services, and less about what we can do for our customers/buyers of our products and services.

Consider Leading With a Hook

A hook is an enticing statement that grabs attention. Your hook can be a question, such as, “You know how so many business owners waste time and money because they wear too many hats? I’m a virtual assistant that takes those hats so business people can focus on what they do best…make money.”

Or your hook can be a benefit statement, “I help business owners work less and make more.” Just saying that alone would likely have a business owner asking how you did that.

We tend to tell them that we have the BEST products and we have been in business for so many years, etc.

All of that information, yes, just information is just okay, but the real story that sticks is based on a story that you and your customers can remember.

Because it is memorable for the right reasons.

Remember that nursery rhyme story that you learned when you were 5 years old?

Remember little red riding hood?

What if you said this….

Hi, do you know how sometimes people get stuck doing the same thing over and over again and seem to have a hard time moving past their past and present discomforts and pain?

Well, what I do is help them identify areas in their lives where they need to get unstuck, so they can have more freedom, create more wealth, connect spiritually, live more healthily, and spend more time with the people that they love.

Does this sound like a story that you would remember?

Do you think that you could connect with people using a story like this, versus telling someone that you have a “great company” that just helps people grow their business, or manage their money, reduce their stress, and provides more opportunities so that can work fewer hours?

I would have to say that probably everyone wants to have more free time to do what they want to do, and at the same time have the financial means to be able to do.

But how do you get that same message across to someone without sounding like you are unloading your whole business plan on them at once?

In this day of easy access to websites and social media, your customers have access to almost all of your information about your company.

So why do we think that we need to give them another list of our benefits and services?

Why not have a simple way to get your message across? So simple that they will always remember what you told them because you made it personal to them.

And that you addressed their needs and not just made them feel like they were leaving a big box store full of items and stuff.

We may like to shop at the big box for all of our major shopping needs, but we really want the convenience store version of the shopping experience when we don’t have the time to walk through the aisles and stand in long lines for a candy bar and a bottle of soda.

Take the time to craft a great story that not only tells a story but also makes your customers feel like they are important to you.

Don’t allow the elevator doors to close on you without leaving your customers with something to remember.



LeWayne Young

Certified Professional Leadership Coach, Artist, Writer, Trainer, Creative Designer, Instructional designer, content marketer, and marriage coach.