What is Content Creation and Marketing

LeWayne Young
3 min readAug 26, 2022
History of Content Marketing

What is Content Creation?

A content creator is someone who creates entertaining or educational material to be expressed through any medium or channel.

What is Digital Content?

Digital content or online marketing refers to advertising delivered through digital channels to promote brands and connect potential customers using the internet and other forms of digital communication.

Why should you create content in the first place?

For Businesses, content creation can mean crafting newsletters, emails, digital marketing materials, brochures, social media, articles, annual reports, advertorials, editorials, company communication, and more.

Don’t wait for it to just show up at your front door, get the Word Out!

What does Content include:

The information and/or experience

The medium/channel in which the information is delivered

Any beneficial features the medium adds to the information or experience.

What else should you know about content creation?

Content creation comes in many different forms:

  • articles
  • artwork
  • audio
  • blog post
  • brochures
  • e-books
  • email
  • charts
  • films
  • graphics
  • images/photos
  • social media content
  • videos
  • white papers
  • podcasts

Five Things Top-Quality Content Creators Do

  1. Get and stay current: stay abreast about current industry news, trends, and information for their clients.
  2. Know their audience, and use SWOT analysis to help them identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  3. Use shortcut tools that help them create awesome content.
  4. Write and update their content often, and consistently.
  5. Write for SEO, using keywords to ensure their content gets seen and has measurable results.

How to Become a Pro Content Creator

  • Create a portfolio: use your unique style for your client's brand.
  • Network: interact with influencers and leverage relevant content.
  • Pitch Yourself: Collaborate with other content creators in your niche.
  • Don’t Give Up: Stick with it. This will be hard because at first, it will appear like nothing is happening, but this churning of butter takes time.
  • Get paid: don’t work for free. In the beginning, you may need to give away some of your services for free, but after you get some traction, charge for what you are worth. Use affiliate marketing, freelancing, sponsorships, etc to gain income from your hard work.
  • Measure it: if you don’t measure it, it wouldn’t grow! So keep track of and understand the KPIs your trying to meet.

Lead Generation

Understand which metrics you want to measure and find out what expectations your clients have.

Lead generation is the process of attracting prospects and converting them into someone who has an interest in your product and/or service. They simply WANT TO BUY! This could be either now or in the future, so have a system that keeps track of where they are in the buying process. Called a “sales funnel.”

What are you willing to pay for? On occasion, you will need to put out in order to gain. And this means that your content has to be seen using Google Adsense, and other paid channels that will put your content out front.

Some companies, large and small pay for leads, and this is a good ROI, but not all the time. But for the most part, if you set up a budget, and stick to it, you will see the fruit of your investment in the form of paying clients. $$$

Content marketing is never easy, and some people quit before they really get started, but know that if you keep going, and continue to add value to others that your stuff will eventually get the attention that it desires.

LeWayne Young is a strategic business and sales coach with years of experience working with solopreneurs and entrepreneurs that want to scale their businesses and keep cash flow in their pockets.


You are tired of trying, doing ALL the work, and showing NO results?

I have coached small business owners on how to effectively and efficiently…MAXIMIZE their time, money, and resources.

But how?

You need a system for your business, not a guessing game. Top content creators and marketing teams have a proven system for their success.



LeWayne Young

Certified Professional Leadership Coach, Artist, Writer, Trainer, Creative Designer, Instructional designer, content marketer, and marriage coach.